Our Vision:
our vision is to be spiritually mature and healthy group of believers
in impacting our community and the world beyond and a good news convey to marginalized people and proclaim for them liberty,
from captives, illness, bruised and proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. (Luke 4:18-19).
Description: The “Jesus Vision Ministry” is the manifestation
of the vision that the Lord Jesus Christ gave me many years ago. When I was doing business of cloths smuggling at my teen age. I used to pray
every day and night in my room and talk to God. Jesus gave me commandment then I made “Jesus
Vision Ministry” This vision was first a “dream-type hope”
of a child, but as I grew older and closer to God, I understood it was not a “day dream” But a vision. God then
spoke to me about what He wanted as a ministry for Him. The vision had many parts. Some of those have been fulfilled, others
yet to come. The vision was of a ministry, not a church. Because of that, “Jesus
Vision Ministry” is different from local Church. A local church
or denomination is based upon the traditions or doctrine of man; “Jesus
Vision Ministry” is based upon a vision given to a man. It is to
be the ministry of Jesus Christ working through organization and not an organization working through the ministry of Jesus Christ. It is an outreach ministry with different
phases that allow the total vision to become real and effective for the Lord God. Many people have plugged into this vision
and have been a valuable part of the ministry. Their, input, have certainly been a factor in the success of “Jesus Vision Ministry”. Other people
have been on the receiving end. They have been ministered to, be saved, healed, blessed, and truly touched by Jesus, which helps to confirm
the validity of the vision. The vision that God gave me is being fulfilled, in parts through different phases of ministry.
Such areas as Sunday morning services; Wednesday woman meeting; Crusades; Rest are home visitation; Pastoral care; Teachings
of the Word; youth Ministry; Booklets; prayer request Ministry and Missions, etc. These phases are channels for the Holy Spirit
to bring salvation, healing, blessing / and His power to thousands of people. Volunteers who are willing to put these phases
into action by giving of their time and talents are whom the Lord is using. With out these people, the vision that the Lord
gave me could not work. When the vision of working ministry was given to me the
scripture in Mark 16:15 was impressed upon me greatly, And He said unto me, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel
to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be damned. Then God gave me this commandment I said to God how
I do this I am not able to do this I have no power and I am meek and powerless person then God said to me so wonderfully through
the Holy scripture through scripture John 14:12 Verily, Verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I
do shall be do also: and greater works than these shall he do: because I go unto My Father”. This led me to make the
ministry an outreach work of God, not just a local church or a ministry centered on a group of people. Jesus is the center of “Jesus Vision Ministry”.