“And he said unto them go ye unto all the world,
and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16: 15)
As the Gospel says, JVM being an evangelistic ministry has main objective and focus to evangelize and reach out
to those who are unreachable. The present challenging time requires the evangelism, as every second 4 soles are dying without
JVM has the vision and faith to do the outreach work and for this we do the following:
Train the youth for street evangelism.
Mobilize the churches to take up the out reach ministry to
do the practical work for reaching out to the unreached.
Organize seminars through which we teach the evangelical
Christians how to do the evangelism
Evangelize the gentiles is our life style.
As evangelist we knows very well that we are passing through the end time and Lord Have spoken in great commission
that we should evangelized the whole nations. As the early church focused and obeyed the Lord and right after the experience
of the day of Pentecost they proclaimed the gospel, there were four main emphases seen in the Book of Act.
Praying and fasting
2. Preaching gospel trough signs wonders and Miracles took place.
3. Persecution
4. The fruit of their ministry in those times was the church planting and more doors opened
for the gospel amongst the gentiles and every where they would go and preach.
believe that at the present age, if any church doesn’t walk on the foot-steps of the disciples and keep fellowship and
witnessing the Lord in that way, they can not grow and their foundation is not on the solid rock. The clear challenge is to
see the lives of the disciples and to review the mystery of the fast growth of the church in the early ages. We have to be
like the church of Philippians as they were companions
of Paul in the following three areas.
i) Sharing gospel ii) praying after his ministry
iii) and supporting him financially.
And Paul has admired them for what they have done for the growth of the work of God and he strengthened
them through the great words. That God will also complete his work in their lives which he have started because they were
fully following his foot steps in the work of gospel out reach. Read (Philippians Chapter 1: 4)
our experience and the experience of the others we have come to know that even there is strong opposition among the gentiles
for the Christian faith. This is the Dark Age but at the same time we have discovered that there is the thirst of the Word
of God among the unsaved communities. There are people who like to read the Truth of Jesus. Their lives are empty and they
also confess it. Many of them would like to read every thing from the beginning what does bible teaches.
the people dying without Jesus are feeling the need that they should read some thing which can lead them to the peace and
could give them satisfaction and assurance of the salvation.
conclusion is that we should distribute the bibles among them as fast we can do because the Day of Judgment getting closer
and at the top of the head.
we do it
reach the unsaved communities through the certain ways
a) Gospel tract free distribution.
b) Bibles distribution.
c) Jesus CD’s distribution.
d) Friendship evangelism.
e) Road singing ministry.